The world's most trusted in custom silicone wristbands.
Custom Wholesale Wristbands
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Custom Wholesale Wristbands
Shop NowTrusted and used by millions
From companies with off-the-charts growth to local businesses, non-profits, sports teams and everybody in between trust and keep using Reminderband again and again.

Custom Wholesale Wristbands For Resale and Bulk Ordering
Get Bulk Bracelets Cheap Without Cutting Quality

Bulk Wristbands Made Easy
Order custom silicone bulk wristbands without the stress
- The more you buy, the better the price
- No minimum order requirement on most styles
- Perfect for promotional products resellers and wholesale
- cheap wholesale wristbands without sacrificing quality
- Upload your own artwork to make your theme stand out
- Easily promote your business with silicone bracelets
Silicone Bulk Bracelets for Resale or Events
- Perfect for any events, schools, or for resale
- Discounted rates for bulk silicone wristband orders
- Use as fundraiser bracelets or as ticket admission event wristbands
- Bring awareness with Cancer Bracelets
- Highest quality in the industry
- Great for breast cancer bracelets

Our customers actually love us
because we take care of them, they take care of us and keep coming back.
It's been a five star experience. I like that the shipping is pretty cheap as well as the cost of the bands. Best and cheapest site I have found so far for making custom wristbands.
Super user friendly website. High Quality Product.
Great product, great options, easy design feature. There is something for everyone, every event, and every group! Web address is "saved in my favorites"!
It's official. People love our customer service almost as much as they love our wristbands. If you need help, we won't just point you in the right direction, we'll walk you there. Our wristband specialists are enthusiastic about helping you get your custom bracelets just right. We boast a talented team of reps who are ready to help with questions or to design a wristband just for you. Call 1-800-922-5401 and talk with a live rep in as few as 20 seconds.
Customers Also Bought

The most economical event wristband on the market. 100% customization. Use our art or upload your own.
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Did someone say easiest online band builder?

We've spent an incredible amount of time crafting and constantly perfecting our online tool that we think you'll actually enjoy. Try it today and see for yourself how unique and easy it really is.
The top 4 reasons our customers choose Reminderband:
Wristbands are perfect for just about any event or cause, as well as the more personal things, like medical alert or remembrance and support for loved ones. That's why we don't require a minimum order for most of our wrist bands and keychains. Whether you need one wristband or thousands, we're ready to help.
Reminderband is the original custom silicone wristband company. We've been personalizing quality wristbands for just about any occasion since 2004. It's long been our priority to deliver the best wristbands on the planet without cutting corners where it really counts. Whether you need a personal reminder or memorial wristband, or you're sharing a message with the world, our mission is to help you make your idea a reality.
Nobody offers faster delivery service than reminderband.
Some vendors offer 24-hour wristbands and take 48 hours to do it. We can make your wristbands today and have them delivered tomorrow with our next-day service.
Nobody has higher quality for the price.
Many of our customers order wristbands for promotion or to use as a memento. They expect top quality that looks and feels classy. We understand that, so we don't cut corners. Our personalized rubber wristbands are the highest quality you'll find on the market. Our wristbands feel like rubber bracelets and are sometimes confused with plastic bracelets, but are really 100% silicone wristbands. They're also hypoallergenic and latex-free.
Nobody offers better customer service in the industry.
It's official. People love our customer service almost as much as they love our wristbands. If you need help, we won't just point you in the right direction, we'll walk you there. Our wristband specialists are enthusiastic about helping you get your custom wristbands just right. We boast a talented team of reps who are ready to help with questions or to design a wristband just for you. Call 1-800-922-5401 and talk with a live rep in as few as 20 seconds.

Most online wristband companies offer a thin, flimsy product that is more likely to snap in half.
Our wristbands can be worn for years, and are made to a high standard with more thickness, premium material, and deep engraving. We back our wristbands with a quality guarantee to ensure you are thrilled with your order.